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City of Wollongong

Position Statements Register

MatterMatter MatterIllawarra Stingrays Home Ground
Date AdoptedDate Adopted Date Adopted9/1/2019
Responsible OfficerResponsible Officer Responsible OfficerManager Property Recreation
DivisionDivision Division
Position StatementPosition Statement Position StatementWollongong City Council -

1. Acknowledges that the Illawarra Stingrays are a National Premier League team based in the Wollongong LGA using various grounds for games and training.

2. Recognises the need for a home ground to be provided to the Illawarra Stingrays.
3. Is committed to finding them a stand-alone home ground that allows them an income stream toward financial sustainability.
Background/HistoryBackground/History Background/HistoryNotice of Motion - Councillor Rimmer
Minute #281